Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria
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Servatur WaikikiServatur Waikiki

Servatur Waikiki

Hotel-3 Stars

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Telephone: 0034 928 773 880
Fax: 0034 928 761 769
Address: Av. de Gran Canaria, 20
Post Code: 35100
Place: Playa del Inglés
Servatur WaikikiServatur WaikikiServatur Waikiki

See Map


The Hotel Waikiki stands out as it comprises 5 round buildings of seven floors each, all of which are surrounded by splendid gardens. It is situated in the tourist resort of Playa del Ingles and offers a total of 505 rooms with balconies or a terrace. The facilities include a fresh water pool for adults and one for children, both heated in winter.

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