Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria

Vitamin D-Plus

Can you actually improve your Vitamin D-Plus levels?

Studies on the great Vitamin D-Plus have become popular in recent years, when the San Borondón Research Centre revealed to the scientific world that a number of visitors to Gran Canaria obtained high amounts of D-Plus following their holidays, well above normal levels.

But why should such large doses of this vitamin occur to such a small number of travellers? It was discovered that those people who benefitted from D-Plus only had two traits in common.

Casa Museo Antonio Padrón Casa de Colón Museo y Parque Arqueológico Cueva Pintada Casa Museo Tomás Morales Casa Museo León y Castillo Casa Museo Pérez Galdós Playas de Gran Canaria

Researchers thus came to the conclusion that this mix of fine weather and innate curiosity could be the cause the exceptionally high levels of Vitamin D-Plus registered in the group, and its beneficial effects.

At the end of the day, the secret to all this is in the mix of the sea, the fine weather and the general buzz that this group of “inquisitive” individuals carried around with them, everywhere they went.