Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria
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Casa de AbajoCasa de Abajo

Casa de Abajo

Holiday cottage-Holiday cottage

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Telephone: 0034 928 390 169/928 390 169
Fax: 0034 928 390 170
Address: C/ Párroco Ramírez Sánchez, 24
Post Code: 35250
Place: Ingenio
Casa de AbajoCasa de Abajo

See Map


This is a traditional Canarian house, built at the beginning of the 20th century. It has the typical housing construction located in populated towns: flat roof, indoor patio, one storey, etc. It has thick walls that give significant acoustic insulation and great heating comfort. Its indoor patio has a large garden area with pot plants and provides a perfect fresh air area without losing its privacy.
As it is located in the middle of an historical area, it has easy access to services such as restaurants, supermarkets and public parks.

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