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Blog Oficial de Turismo de Gran Canaria

Comet Neowise over Roque Nublo, Tejeda, Gran Canaria

El Roque Nublo awaits your return in Gran Canaria

The summit of Gran Canaria is one of those spots which makes the island a Starlight Tourism Destination. There is no light without darkness. The comet that streaks across Gran Canaria’s skies is a lump of rocks and gases covered in ash. The nearby sun melted its heart of ice, explaining the white wake streaming behind it which seems to have hypnotised El Roque Nublo and its stoney companions as they watch this interstellar Icarus, a full five kilometres wide, on its return journey to the depths of the galaxy.

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Las Canteras Beach in Gran Canaria

Las Canteras: a fish’s-eye view

I like to rest under the shelter of the Barra de Las Canteras. This natural reef slows the momentum of the Atlantic and provides quiet nights for fish like me. At dawn, when the sun's rays colour the surface shades of pink and purple, I begin to move around the bay and peck at algae with my parrot's beak. At this hour, the early birds of the human variety also begin to make their way into the sea, splashing and swimming as if they were fish themselves.


Last comments

@Leopoldo: Gracias por vuestra publicacion me he enterado de las piscinas naturales en gran canaria FELICIDADES AMIGOS[+]
@jorge: Parece que lo hemos vivido todo, pero llegará el día que partamos sin llegar a ver y contemplar todos los rincones maravillosos de la isla...[+]

Amigos de Gran Canaria