Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria

The coffee for laid back people is grown in Agaete

Coffee for laid back people is grown in Agaete

It is said that coffee gets people going and makes them nervous. That’s what they say, however we know it´s impossible for that to happen if the coffee in your cup comes from Agaete.

They also say that coffee drinkers can end up walking on top of walls, or even through them. But, believe us, it is impossible for any of this to happen if it is Agaete coffee we are talking about.

Valle de Agaete

We think some of the tranquility to be found in the air in many a corner of this village must have moved in from its coffee plantations. The tranquility in the Port, or the village’s main square, is all impregnated with the toasted aroma of the coffee grown in the area. The walls along the wharf, the people who go out fishing, the sea-gull on the corner, all those who have decided not to waste time zooming around at breakneck speed, all form part of the secret held by the Coffee of Agaete.

A flavour from the past. Agaete, at the northwest of Gran Canaria, is one of the few places in Europe to keep up coffee cultivation. They keep alive a tradition that started out in the Canaries back in the 18th Century. It is a carefully protected tradition, with over 40 farmers immersed in the cultivation of their arabic coffee plants in its common variety.

Valle de Agaete

And it must just be the effect of the jasmine, or the shadow cast by the mango fruit trees, but the flavour of the coffee from Agaete is just so good it has become a Gourmet product. And although for now the coffee is only sold in the village shop here, we do not rule out the possibility of this story soon being found out, if anyone were to simply read on beyond this page.