Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria

A key to the secrets of the little great continent

A key to the secrets of the little great continent

Raid, mountain, and trekking enthusiasts never miss their annual get-together in Gran Canaria. The reason is no other than one of the most spectacular sports events in the archipelago: Transgrancanaria, a race through an island that treasures a million different sceneries.

Roque Nublo under a blue sky
Sorrueda Dam

The tenth edition of the race will kick off next 28 February. And its organizers have chosen to make it more demanding, covering over 76 miles of practically unknown land. Through mountains, along the Big Dams route, climbing to the top of the island, by Tejeda and further Teror and Arucas, to finally reach – after a long, long run -, the island’s capital and end of the race, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Not only will the participants have to overcome the most intricate part of Gran Canaria’s mountainous area, but they will also need to break the 30-hour limit imposed this year by the organizers. All this represents a true challenge for the brave, for those trained to cope with a miniature continent and run it from end to end, through ravines, palm tree groves, and pine tree forests, enduring the marked unevenness of the terrain, and, to top it off, against the clock. 



Two Transgrancanaria participants in full race

But all this, a true challenge for fans of this sports discipline, is only part of the test. For there will be three different routes, namely three options. Those wishing to get to know the island without having to train as Olympic athletes can go for Media Transgrancanaria, a lighter version for trekkers less moved by a desire to compete: 28 miles along magical and changing scenery, covering spots as different to each other as the wide selection of ice-cream at the supermarket.

And there is even more. If you are half way between a competitive sportsperson and a regular trekker with a twist of daring, then the organizers have a third option for you: a 57-mile run that is the previous step before going for the real McCoy, the big race.

Maspalomas Dunes
Tilos de Moya forest

Now you know. If you wish to practise sports while discovering amazing spots, you must join Transgrancanaria, a perfect chance to spend days of fun surrounded by nature.

For further information, visit